Headquarter in Germany*
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Gündlinger Straße 12
79111 Freiburg i. Breisgau
+49 761 4548 0
+49 761 4548 248
Branch Office Switzerland
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Erlenstrasse 33
4106 Therwil
+41 61 426 26 26
+41 61 426 26 96
Branch Office Austria
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Lemböckgasse 49, Haus 2, Stiege E
1230 Wien
+43 1 879 14 26 0
+43 1 879 14 26 260
Branch Office Italy
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Via Marconi, 2
37029 San Pietro in Cariano - VR
+39 045 6832 220
+39 045 6832 230
Branch Office France
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
7 rue de Kingersheim
68120 Richwiller
+33 3 89 31 2710
+33 3 89 61 8823
Branch Office Belgium*
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Ruiterijschool 6
2930 Brasschaat
+32 3 287 76 10
+32 3 287 76 19
Branch Office Spain*
CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, N° 39
46015 Valencia
+34 961 576 790
+34 961 576 799
- 1971 Car-Garantie GmbH founded. Launch of the product-specific one-year guarantee for used cars.
- 1973 CarGarantie launched a warranty for new cars in their second and third years, after the manufacturer's warranty has expired.
- 1975 CarGarantie provided the necessary know-how for a new idea - coverage of repair costs.
- 1981 CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-AG founded as a specialist insurance company.
- 1989 First all-around warranty for used cars; terms approved by ADAC (German Automobile Club).
- 1990 Opening of branch office in Dresden, Germany.
- 1993 Founding of the Swiss branch office in Basle.
- 1994 First all-around warranty for new and used motorcycles.
- 1997 Founding of branch office in Vienna, Austria.
- 1998 Within one year, more than half a million car buyers took out a policy with CarGarantie.
- 1999 The European Union adopted a directive that makes a one-year warranty for used cars mandatory as of January 1, 2002. The idea that originated with CarGarantie became legally binding.
- 2000 Founding of CarGarantie NV in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Start of business operations in the Czech Republic and the South Tyrol region of Italy.
- 2002 CarGarantie Liability Risk Insurance launched. Opening of branch office in Verona, Italy and start of business operations in Belgium and Luxembourg via the Swiss branch. Professionalisation of dealer's self-funded warranty by CarGarantie
- 2003 Start of business operations in France. Launch of CG-Freeweb, CarGarantie's warranty management software.
- 2004 Founding of the Belgian branch office in Antwerp. Start of business operations in Hungary.
- 2005 Founding of the French branch office in Sausheim - Mulhouse.
- 2006 Founding of the Czech branch office in Prague. Start of business operations in Slovakia.
- 2007 Start of business operations in Spain.
- 2008 Start of business operations in Slovenia. With 1,400,000 warranty agreements, CarGarantie can rightfully claim to be a cutting-edge specialty insurance company.
- 2009 Founding of the Spanish branch office in Valencia. Start of business operations in Romania.
- 2010 Start of business operations in Bulgaria, Croatia and Portugal.
- 2013 Start of business operations in Poland.
- 2017 Start of business operations in Denmark.